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Colburn Hintze Maletta – ⭐ 5 Star Rated Best Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and DUI Lawyers

CHM Law Arizona Family Law, Criminal Defense, DUI, and Personal Injury Lawyers

(602) 825-2500
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6 Tips What to Do if Stopped for DUI

6 Tips What to Do if Stopped for DUI

Here’s your step-by-step guide if you’re stopped for DUI to making it through that traffic stop, limiting the information the State can use against you, and protecting your rights. Quickly and Safely Stop Your Vehicle. What to Say and When to Keep Silent. What about the Field Sobriety Tests? Breath and Blood Tests. Your Miranda Rights and Police Interview / Questioning.

Use and Possession of Fake ID’s in Arizona

Use and Possession of Fake ID’s in Arizona

In Arizona, the possession or use of a fake ID is not just a rite of passage for college students; it’s a serious legal offense with ramifications under the Arizona Revised Statutes ARS 4-241(N) and ARS 13-2008. This issue is particularly prevalent in academic settings, with studies revealing that a significant proportion of college students have used or owned a fake ID, mainly for accessing alcohol. The legal consequences of such actions are severe, with potential charges ranging from misdemeanors to more serious penalties, especially if associated with other illegal activities like underage drinking or DUI.

Diagnosing Whiplash After a Car Accident

Diagnosing Whiplash After a Car Accident

Experiencing a car accident is a sudden, shocking event that can leave you disoriented and confused. One moment, you’re driving safely, and the next, another vehicle collides with you, triggering a series of rapid, disconcerting events: seatbelt constricting, airbag deploying, and debris scattering. While emergency responders arrive and check you for immediate injuries, you might feel relatively unscathed. However, this could be a deceptive calm. Unknown to you, you may have incurred a whiplash injury, the symptoms of which often remain latent before surfacing hours or even days later.
At CHM Law, we specialize in helping individuals understand the medical and legal complexities of whiplash injuries sustained in car accidents. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the diagnosis, symptoms, and legal options available under Arizona law.

Can My Spouse Be Required to Pay My Attorney Fees?

Can My Spouse Be Required to Pay My Attorney Fees?

In a typical divorce scenario, both individuals usually bear the costs of their respective legal representation. However, there are scenarios where an Arizona court instructs one party to bear some, if not all, of the other party’s attorney fees. Colburn Hintze Maletta, an Arizona-based family and divorce law firm, aims to shed light on this matter.

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