Nov 27, 2022 | Set Aside, Expungement, Seal Record, Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes, DUI, Extreme DUI, Aggravated DUI, Post Conviction Relief Rule 32-33
Beginning in January 2023, a new Arizona law will allow eligible convictions and criminal records to be sealed. Sealed records will be hidden from public view but still accessible to criminal justice agencies and certain employers for sensitive positions.
Jun 10, 2021 | Criminal Defense, Assault, Domestic Violence, DUI, Extreme DUI, Aggravated DUI, Homicide/Murder, Post Conviction Relief Rule 32-33, Sex Crimes, Theft
There are four ways to undo a guilty plea in the Arizona state court system. The first way is to simply withdraw the plea. This can be done prior to the court accepting the plea. The second method is to file a Motion to Withdraw the Plea to Avoid a Manifest Injustice. The third is to file an appeal. And fourth is through Rule 33, Post-Conviction Relief (PCR).