CHM Law Wins Temporary Orders and Enforcement of Child Support in Arizona Divorce Case
- Client: J v. B
- Case Type: Dissolution of Marriage – Temporary Orders/Enforcement of Child Support
- Rulings: Temporary Orders designating Client as the primary residential parent with sole legal decision-making authority and OP’s parenting time supervised, and awarding Child Support, Spousal Maintenance, and Attorney’s Fees. At the Enforcement Hearing, the Court determined OP was in contempt for non-payment of support and sanctioned by awarding additional Attorney’s Fees.
- Court: Maricopa County Superior Court
In this case, our client sought legal assistance with divorce proceedings, requesting Temporary Orders for child custody, spousal maintenance, and attorney’s fees.
Through strategic litigation, CHM Law successfully petitioned the Court to secure favorable Temporary Orders, granting our client sole decision-making authority over the children, requiring supervised parenting time for the Opposing Party, and awarding spousal maintenance and child support. When the Opposing Party failed to comply with the Court’s orders, we swiftly petitioned for enforcement, securing additional attorney’s fees for our client due to the Opposing Party’s unreasonable conduct.
Temporary Orders: Securing Child Custody, Spousal Maintenance, and Attorney’s Fees
During the process of divorce in Arizona, the Court may issue Temporary Orders to establish immediate protections and financial arrangements until a final decree is entered. Given the serious concerns in this case, CHM Law filed an urgent petition seeking Temporary Orders related to:
- Child custody and decision-making authority
- Supervised parenting time for the Opposing Party
- Spousal maintenance (alimony) and child support
- Attorney’s fees to assist with legal expenses
At the Temporary Orders hearing, CHM Law presented compelling evidence demonstrating that sole decision-making authority was in the children’s best interests, as well as the necessity for supervised parenting time due to safety concerns. Additionally, we successfully argued for our client’s right to spousal maintenance and child support, ensuring financial stability throughout the divorce process.
The Court ultimately ruled in our client’s favor, issuing orders that included:
- Sole decision-making authority for our client regarding the children’s upbringing.
- Supervised visitation for the Opposing Party due to safety concerns.
- Monthly spousal maintenance and child support payments to provide financial security.
- Interim attorney’s fees to help our client with litigation costs.
Enforcement of Child Support and Spousal Maintenance
Unfortunately, after these Temporary Orders were issued, the Opposing Party failed to comply with his obligations, neglecting to pay child support, spousal maintenance, and attorney’s fees as ordered by the Court. This type of non-compliance can create significant financial hardship, particularly for a parent solely responsible for their children’s well-being.
Recognizing the urgency of the situation, CHM Law swiftly petitioned the Court for enforcement, demanding that the Opposing Party be held accountable for failing to meet his financial responsibilities. The Court reviewed the evidence of non-payment and granted our request, ordering:
- Immediate enforcement of child support and spousal maintenance payments
- Additional attorney’s fees awarded to our client due to the Opposing Party’s unreasonable behavior
Why This Case Matters for Arizona Divorce and Child Support Enforcement
This case highlights the importance of strong legal advocacy in securing Temporary Orders and ensuring child support and spousal maintenance orders are enforced. Non-payment of support can have serious consequences, and Arizona courts take violations of court-ordered financial obligations seriously.
At CHM Law, our Arizona divorce attorneys assist clients with:
- Filing for Dissolution of Marriage and Securing Temporary Orders
- Establishing child support and spousal maintenance
- Enforcing court orders when a spouse refuses to comply
- Protecting parental rights and securing sole decision-making authority
If you are going through a divorce in Arizona and need legal representation to secure child custody, spousal maintenance, or enforcement of child support, contact CHM Law today. Our experienced legal team will fight to protect your rights and financial stability throughout the divorce process.