In a criminal case, the Defendant gets charged with committing a crime. The charge is the law the defendant is accused of breaking.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
charge (noun)1.
a) obsolete a material load or weight
b) a figure borne on a heraldic field
a) the quantity that an apparatus is intended to receive and fitted to hold
b) the quantity of explosive used in a single discharge
c) a store or accumulation of impelling force - the deeply emotional charge of the drama
d) a definite quantity of electricity , especially an excess or deficiency of electrons in a body
e) - thrill kick got a charge out of the game
a) - obligation requirement
b) - management supervision has charge of the home office
c) the ecclesiastical jurisdiction (as a parish) committed to a clergyman
d) a person or thing committed to the care of another
a) - instruction command
b) instruction in points of law given by a court to a jury
a) - expense cost gave the banquet at his own charge
b) the price demanded for something - no admission charge
c) a debit to an account - the purchase was a charge
d) the record of a loan (as of a book from a library)
e) British an interest in property granted as security for a loan
a) a formal assertion of illegality - a charge of murder
b) a statement of complaint or hostile criticism - denied the charges of nepotism that were leveled against him
a) (1) a violent rush forward (as to attack) - the charge of the brigade
(2) the signal for attack - sound the charge
b) a usually illegal rush into an opponent in various sports (as basketball)
transitive verb
a) archaic to lay or put a load on or in - load
b) (1) to place a charge (as of powder) in
(2) to load or fill to capacity
c) (1) to restore the active materials in (a storage battery) by the passage of a direct current through in the opposite direction to that of discharge
(2) to give an electric charge to - charge a capacitor
d) (1) to assume as a heraldic bearing
(2) to place a heraldic bearing on
e) to fill or furnish fully - the music is charged with excitement
f) - electrify the crowd was charged by her performance
a) to impose a task or responsibility on - charge him with the job of finding a new meeting place
b) to command, instruct, or exhort with authority - I charge you not to go
c) of a judge to give a charge to (a jury)
a) to make an assertion against especially by ascribing guilt or blame - charges him with armed robbery they were charged as being instigators
b) to place the guilt or blame for - charge her failure to negligence
c) to assert as an accusation - charges that he distorted the data
a) to bring (a weapon) into position for attack - level charge a lance
b) to rush against - attack , also to rush into (an opponent) usually illegally in various sports
a) (1) to impose a financial burden on - charge his estate with debts incurred
(2) to impose or record as financial obligation - charge debts to an estate
b) (1) to fix or ask as fee or payment - charges $50 for an office visit
(2) to ask payment of (a person) - charge a client for expenses
intransitive verb
c) to record (an item) as an expense, debt, obligation, or liability - charged a new sofa
to rush forward in or as if in assault - attack , also to charge an opponent in sports
to ask or set a price - do you charge for this service?
to charge an item to an account - charge now, pay later command
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
charge (noun)1.
a formal claim of criminal wrongdoing against a person
complaint, count, indictment, rapRELATED WORDS:
accusation, allegation, plea; crimination; counteraccusation, countercharge; arraignment, impeachment; implication, imputation, innuendo, insinuation; censure, condemnation, denunciation; incrimination, recrimination2.
a specific task with which a person or group is charged
assignment, brief, business, charge, detail, job, operation, postRELATED WORDS:
burden, chore, duty, need, obligation, office, requirement, responsibility; errand, labor, work; commitment, pledge, promise; appointment, commission, designation, nomination; compulsion, constraint, restraint3.
a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concerned
behest, charge, commandment, decree, dictate, direction, directive, do, edict, imperative, injunction, instruction, order, wordRELATED WORDS:
demand, requirement; mandate; countermand, counterorder; law, precept, prescript, prescription, rule; ordinance, regulation, statuteNEAR ANTONYMS:
appeal, entreaty, petition, plea, urging; proposal, recommendation, suggestion4.
something one must do because of prior agreement
burden, charge, commitment, devoir, do, duty, imperative, incumbency, need, office, responsibilityRELATED WORDS:
oath, pledge, promise, troth, vow, word; arrangement, prearrangement, setup; compact, contract, covenant, pact, trust; debt, payment, tribute; compulsion, constraint, restraint; must, requirement; coercion, duress, force; appointment, engagement, reservation; burden, onusNEAR ANTONYMS:
grace, postponement, stay; discharge, ease, exemption, release, relief, waiver; loophole; alternative, choice, option, pick, preference, selection5.
the act or action of setting upon with force or violence
aggression, assault, attempt, blitz, blitzkrieg, charge, coup de main, descent, offense ( offence), offensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush, strikeRELATED WORDS:
ambuscade, ambush; counteraggression, counterassault, counterattack, counteroffensive, counterstrike; sally, sortie; envelopment, flanking; breakthrough, foray, incursion, invasion; pillage, ravage, sack; air raid, bombardment, bombing; siege, storm; barrage, cannonade, fusillade, hail, salvo, volley; whammyNEAR ANTONYMS:
defense, defensive, guard, shield; opposition, resistance; protection, security, shelter6.
the amount of money that is demanded as payment for something
ante, charge, cost, damage, fee, figure, freight, price tagRELATED WORDS:
fair market value, market value, valuation, value; asking price, list price, sticker price; price point, rate, tariff, unit price; carrying charge, overcharge, service charge ( service fee), surcharge; deduction, discount, markdown, reduction, sale; deposit; down payment; account, bill, check, invoice, tab7.
the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or control
care, charge, guidance, headship, oversight, regulation, stewardship, superintendence, superintendency, surveillanceRELATED WORDS:
monitoring, observance, observation, observing, policing; administration, control, direction, generalship, hand(s), management, running; leadership, piloting, shepherding, steering; government, reign, rule; aegis ( egis), auspices, guardianship, protection, trusteeship, tutelage8.
a payment made in the course of achieving a result
charge, cost, disbursement, expenditure, outgo, outlayRELATED WORDS:
overhead; outflow; pocket money, spending money; price, rate, tab, tariff, toll9.
a pleasurably intense stimulation of the feelings
bang, boot, charge, exhilaration, frisson, jollies, kick, rush, titillation, wallopRELATED WORDS:
arousal, buzz, electrification, high, intoxication; jolt, shock, surprise ( surprize); delectation, delight, enjoyment, joy, lift, pleasure; amusement, diversion, entertainment, fun, treat10.
the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about something
administration, care, charge, control, direction, governance, government, guidance, handling, intendance, management, operation, oversight, presidency, regulation, running, stewardship, superintendence, superintendency, supervisionRELATED WORDS:
generalship, leadership, rulership; agency; aegis ( egis), custody, guardianship, keeping, lap, protection, safekeeping, trust, tutelage, ward; engineering, logistics, machination, manipulation; coadministration, codirection, comanagement1.
to set or receive as a price
ask, command, demandRELATED WORDS:
overcharge, undercharge; bring, fetch, sell (for); discount, mark down, mark up; assess, bill, invoice; price, value2.
to establish or apply as a charge or penalty
assess, charge, exact, fine, lay, levy, putRELATED WORDS:
dock, excise, mulct, penalize, tax; extort, shake down, wrest, wring; bleed, fleece, gouge, milk, skin, squeeze; coerce, compel, force; inflict, wreak; set; reapply, reimpose, relayNEAR ANTONYMS:
abate, diminish, lessen; forgive, release; condone, disregard, excuse, gloss (over), gloze (over), ignore, pardon3.
to give a task, duty, or responsibility to
assign, charge, commission, task, trustRELATED WORDS:
confer, impose; commit, confide, consign, delegate, recommend, relegate, repose; allocate, allot; authorize, empower, invest4.
to issue orders to (someone) by right of authority
adjure, bid, boss (around), charge, direct, enjoin, instruct, order, tellRELATED WORDS:
ask, petition, request; beg, beseech, entreat; advise, counsel, warn; appoint, assign, authorize, commission; oversee, superintend, supervise; conduct, control, lead, manage; coerce, compel, constrain, force, oblige, requireNEAR ANTONYMS:
comply (with), follow, keep, observe5.
to make a claim of wrongdoing against
charge, criminate, defame, impeach, incriminate, indictRELATED WORDS:
blame, call (on), castigate, censure, condemn, criticize, damn, denounce, fault, impugn, reproach, reprobate; chide, rebuke, reprove, tax; appeal, arraign, book, cite, summon; prosecute, sue, try; frame, implicate, inculpate, inform (against), name, report; recriminate, retaliateNEAR ANTONYMS:
advocate, champion, defend; excuse, forgive, justify, pardon, remit, shrive6.
to put into (something) as much as can be held or contained
brim, charge, cram, heap, jam, jam-pack, load, pack, stuffRELATED WORDS:
drench, flood, glut, swamp; bloat, bulk; crowd, crush, mat, press, ram, shove, squash, squeeze; refill, refresh, reload, repack, replenish; overcharge, overfill, overflow, saturate; honeycomb, penetrateNEAR ANTONYMS:
lighten; deplete, drain, eliminate, exhaust; bleed, draw (off); clean, flush, purge, scour, sweep7.
to take sudden, violent action against
assail, assault, beset, bushwhack, charge, descend (on upon), go in (on), jump (on), pounce (on upon), raid, rush, set on, sic ( sick), storm, strike, trash, turn (on)RELATED WORDS:
bum-rush, gang up (on), mob, swarm; mug, rob; ambuscade, ambush, surprise ( surprize), waylay; blitz, bomb, bombard, nuke; barrage, cannon, cannonade; bang away (at), batter, buffet, plaster; beleaguer, besiege, press; harry, loot, pillage, plunder, ravage, sack; foray, invade, overrun; envelop, flankNEAR ANTONYMS:
cover, defend, guard, protect, secure, shield8.
to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings of
charge, electrify, excite, exhilarate, galvanize, intoxicate, pump up, titillate, turn onRELATED WORDS:
arouse, incite, inspire, provoke, stimulate; bewitch, captivate, charm, delight, enchant, enthrall ( enthral), hypnotize, mesmerize, rivet, spellbind; interest, intrigue, tantalizeNEAR ANTONYMS:
bore, jade, pall, tire, weary; deject, demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dispirit