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⭐ 5 Star Rated Best Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and DUI Lawyers in Phoenix

CHM Law Arizona Family Law, Criminal Defense, DUI, and Personal Injury Lawyers

(602) 825-2500
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Petition for Dissolution without Children — Achieved Highly Favorable Settlement on Client’s Behalf Involving No Spousal Maintenance and No Division of Client’s Significant Retirement Assets — T. v. G. — Case Number Redacted

The Parties were married for over thirty years, and the Client was the primary breadwinner for the majority of the Parties’ marriage. After developing a targeted plan of attack for settlement in Client’s initial strategy session, Colburn Hintze Maletta (CHM Law)...

Motion to Amend Ruling — Restored Client to Unsupervised Equal Parenting Time, After Amending the Court’s Previous Ruling That Reduced Client’s Parenting Time and Required Supervised Parenting Time. — B. v. S. — Case Number Redacted

Client hired Colburn Hintze Maletta (CHM Law) to represent him at a temporary order hearing whereat the Opposing Party attempted to reduce his parenting time and obtain sole legal decision-making authority. Over the Opposing Party’s objection, after the hearing, the...

Post-Decree Emergency Orders — The Court’s Emergency Orders Suspending Client’s Parenting Time were Reversed and Client’s Parenting Time Restored to Equal Parenting Time. — B. v. S. — Case Number Redacted

Client came to Colburn Hintze Maletta (CHM Law) for help because he was served with an Emergency Order suspending his parenting time. For the Client, this meant going from being an actively involved parent with equal time to having no contact whatsoever (the Opposing...
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