The final determination of a jury or judge as to fact or law which forms the basis for the court’s judgment. The final decision in a case, i.e., guilty or not guilty in a criminal case.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
verdict (noun)1.
the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial
- opinion judgment
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
verdict (noun)1.
a position arrived at after consideration
award, call, conclusion, deliverance, determination, diagnosis, judgment ( judgement), opinion, resolution, verdictRELATED WORDS:
behest, charge, commandment, decree, dictate, directive, edict, instruction, mandate, order, word; last word, say-so; adjudication, disposition, doom, finding, ruling, sentence; choice, option, selection; consensus; belief, conviction, eye, feeling, mind, notion, persuasion, sentiment, viewNEAR ANTONYMS:
deadlock, draw, halt, stalemate, standoff, tie2.
an idea that is believed to be true or valid without positive knowledge
belief, conviction, eye, feeling, judgment ( judgement), mind, notion, persuasion, sentiment, verdict, viewRELATED WORDS:
say; impression, perception, take; attitude; assumption, presumption, presupposition; conclusion, decision, determination; deliverance, esteem, estimate, estimation; credence, credit, faith; concept, conception, idea, thought; position, stance, stand; comment, obiter dictum, observation, reflection, remark; conjecture, guess, hunch, hypothesis, surmise, theory; advice, input, recommendation, suggestion; angle, outlook, perspective, shoes, slant, standpoint, viewpoint; counterviewNEAR ANTONYMS:
fact, truth